Artist in Residence

So, it is official, I am now a resident of the state of Nevada. I just got my Nevada-issued driver's license and plates for my car. Crazy, never thought I'd live anywhere else but in NYC, or perhaps, more accurately, not Nevada. Ah, the impromptu turns of life. The Las Vegas DMV was actually a pleasant and expedient experience, so simple. Makes you wonder why it is such a chore in NYC. Perhaps the population difference, more people in NYC, yadda, yadda. However, one thing I do not like about my new license is that they print your WEIGHT on it!?!?! That seems so random. I can understand height, that's something that is probably not going to change much by the time you are of age to own a license. But your weight? I asked the guy what happens if I lose weight, he laughed and told me that I could come back and they would change it for me. I've already lost a pound, I'm on my way to the DMV tomorrow!!! My driving has improved, or at least my fear of driving...