Brooklyn In Da House

Well, we've immediately expanded our newlywed family with the addition of our new puppy girl, Brooklyn. She's five-months old, a Lhasa Apso/Bichon Frise mix (I only hang with dogs of "two-name" species), and she is just adorable. Very cuddly and loving and spunky, but also chills out when necessary, a people-lover, very playful. The challenge right now is to housebreak her, which was going very well until recently. For some reason, she no longer sees the great outdoors as her grand toilet - at least as far as urinating goes. She holds it until she gets back inside and then relieves herself on her puppy pad. What to do? At least I don't have to pick up any number #2 inside, she's got that routine down pat. It's funny how having a dog opens up a completely new social circle. Fellow dogwalkers, who probably wouldn't have given me the time of day, now greet me regularly; conversations consist of colorful words like pee and poop; voices climb dangerously high into baby talk tones, mustering excitement at seeing neighbor canines, like Vanna and Riley, praying that their well-trained habits will rub off on Brooklyn; vanity goes out the window as I throw on whatever I can reach through half-opened eyes, never having been a morning person. I've made a surprising discovery: there are several stretches of grass around the complex, that look perfect for sun-bathing or outdoor dining. I never see anyone lounging on them, however, and now I know why. It's because my fellow complex residents DO NOT CLEAN UP AFTER THEIR DOGS!!! It is like an obstacle course trying to maneuver and keep the shoes clean. So surprising. I thought the rural environ would make people more attentive to upkeep. Bad for the shoes and the paws, but must be wonderful for the soil, no wonder the greens are so lush.
Having a dog is definitely a change, but all in all, it is fantastic having Brooklyn in Vegas!
Your new family member is so adorable. Wish I could help you with the potty issue, but I have a cat who uses a litter box (most of the time). Let's just hope he'll grow out of it.
Congratulations and enjoy!