Family Matters

We've had a string of relatives visiting, I think just about every week from the last week of July up to now (pretty much), and it has been so nice - cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers-in law, brothers. My younger brother is here now, and it is great, if not a little bittersweet, only because whenever and wherever I am away from him, when he comes to visit me, I get so protective of him, and I worry about him and I don't want him to leave. But overall, it is great to have him here. I'm a little sad, however, because my Mother had to postpone her visit this weekend. She's been suffering from a strange, as-of-yet unidentified condition that makes her feet, ankles and legs swollen and has been advised to NOT fly. Yes, I am very sad. House hunting has me CRAZY!! I am an emotional wreck (not to mention premenstrual - I guess I did mention it). Haven't even begun to pack, not sure where we are going, and we have less than three weeks to figure it all out. New York ...