Family Matters

We've had a string of relatives visiting, I think just about every week from the last week of July up to now (pretty much), and it has been so nice - cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers-in law, brothers. My younger brother is here now, and it is great, if not a little bittersweet, only because whenever and wherever I am away from him, when he comes to visit me, I get so protective of him, and I worry about him and I don't want him to leave. But overall, it is great to have him here. I'm a little sad, however, because my Mother had to postpone her visit this weekend. She's been suffering from a strange, as-of-yet unidentified condition that makes her feet, ankles and legs swollen and has been advised to NOT fly. Yes, I am very sad.
House hunting has me CRAZY!! I am an emotional wreck (not to mention premenstrual - I guess I did mention it). Haven't even begun to pack, not sure where we are going, and we have less than three weeks to figure it all out. New York sounds very good right now! But...don't have a place there either!
Here's an interesting tidbit I found out yesterday, during my online home search: All the water that is used in the Bellagio fountains and lake and various waterfalls and water spectacles throughout Vegas is actually Grey Water - i.e. water that comes from the showers and sinks that is filtered and cleaned, so that no water is wasted or lost. Don't worry, none of the water comes from the toilet - apparently that is called Black Water and that goes straight to the sewer. Waste not want not.
Picture: Untitled, by Keith Haring