A Novel Idea

I've just discovered, through a friend from college, the website, Shelfari.com, a site dedicated to book lovers. And I love it! You get to put books that you've read and/or love on a virtual shelf, so that friends can see what you've read, what you are reading, what you would like to read. And you can see their shelves and get book reading recommendations. What I particularly love is simply looking at my bookshelf online - I think that I am as addicted to book covers as I am to the actual book content. There's such a joy in walking in a bookstore and seeing all those books on the shelves. And I must admit that I've bought a few books based on the appeal of the book cover (I know, don't judge a book by its cover!). My only problem in having a book collection is that I rarely read a book twice. And so, I end up with bookcases stacked with books that just sit there. And when you've moved as many times as I have, believe me, packing and unpacking books that you will never read again gets old. So, during my relocation to Vegas, I ended up parting with so many books that I loved but just knew I wouldn't open up again. And it was okay, because I was sharing the love, allowing someone else the joy those books gave me. So, looking at my virtual shelf on Shelfari is great because I get the same joy of actually seeing all these book covers without owning the clutter!
To join Shelfari, go to: Shelfari.com
P.S. Thanks to holoweb.net for the photo of books.