Going To The Chapel

So, my fiance is now...my HUSBAND! Yes, we tied the knot on Valentine's Day. It came up very casually the night before as an idea, "Wanna get married tomorrow?" and we thought about it all day on Valentine's Day, "Should we get married today?" "Do you wanna do it?" We finally decided that we were going to go for it after work, and then the preparation began: we got ready, a friend and castmate extraordinaire spread the word out to the company, we left the house, and within forty-five minutes, we had rings and a marriage license and arrived at the Little White Wedding Chapel - which has two chapels, an outdoor gazebo and a drive-thru window for DRIVE-THRU weddings, no joking! I accidentally walked through a drive-thru ceremony between a couple on their motorcycles. We opted to get married in the smaller, indoor chapel. They make weddings so accessible in Las Vegas: the marriage bureau stays open for licensing until midnight, and until 10pm for civil ceremonies. And, outside the marriage bureau, you would think you were in a bazaar in some foreign land; we had barely stepped out of the car when we were surrounded by a swarm of gentlemen flapping flyers in our face for their various wedding chapel and limousine companies. It was truly stunning (and scary). One of the funniest parts of the evening (perhaps funnier in hindsight) was when the aforementioned "castmate extraordinaire" came into the changing room of the chapel, glowing from excitement and victory in having bought, so generously, a pair of white sandals for me, the one item I hadn't purchased in advance. However, when I went to put the sandals on, they were both right feet!! I felt so bad for my castmate, I ended up consoling her - I had brought a pair of shoes with me, just in case. The other funny part of the evening is that we were chosen to be interviewed on the night edition of the local news, Fox 5, as part of a segment by the weatherman about getting married on Valentine's Day. So funny and random. Elvis was in the house, but he did not perform our ceremony! Our minister was WONDERFUL, from Hawaii. After the ceremony, we went to a lounge for a round of champagne - our dear friends, who also happen to be the other married couple in the show, very kindly brought us dessert from their Valentine's dinner. And all was (and is) well with the world!