Chasing Culture
My husband has been having a time locating the Hip Hop / Spoken Word culture in Las Vegas. A few Hip Hop concerts notwithstanding, the underground scene is either non-existent or so subterranean that only the mole people know its coordinates. There have been open mic nites and spoken word slams that my husband has penciled into his calendar, only to find upon arrival that the venue is closed, the event is postponed, or the talent is lacking. Last night, our first night off together in weeks (besides our weekly day off), we planned to check out an open mic Spoken Word slam that he heard about weeks ago. Once we got to the venue, there was no sign of human life anywhere in, out or around the club. Apparently, the event is moving to another venue and the new nite is TBA. And while there are lots of shows and night clubs here in Vegas, you really have to do some homework to find something different to do. Disappointed, we headed to our safe haven, the movie theater, only to find the...