And Baby Makes Four

Well, as anyone who reads this blog probably knows (and with my prolonged absence from blogging, there may not be anyone reading my blog anymore) - I am PREGNANT! I am due around December 5th, I am now 15 weeks, and I am ecstatic. The first trimester was a little anxiety-ridden, what with my exceptional talent for worrying. But I think I am a little better at calming down and relaxing and have even allowed myself to actually enjoy this journey towards motherhood. I am really beginning to show, which is fun. And I am enjoying being able to eat whatever (well, for the most part) and not feel guilty. I do wonder about how my body will change, partly from the pregnancy, but also from the fact that I won't be performing for a bit - what will happen to my muscles? I am definitely tired, a lot, but as anyone who knows me can attest, I love to sleep, so there you go. I am determined to get as much sleep as I can now, because who knows when I'll enjoy the comforts of a deep slumber again, once the baby arrives in December. The biggest kick was finding out that the baby is a BOY!!! That made it even more real for some reason. And now to find a name...