Target Practice

I made my first trip to the Target store EVER, here in Vegas the other day, and it was HEAVEN. I love Target! I'd even done a commercial for Target years ago, not knowing firsthand the beauty that is Target. I guess the closest thing we have in NYC would be Kmart, which is nice, but this was like super bargain stimulation. And I hear this particular Target wasn't even a "Super Store," which is just too much for my mind to wrap around, because it looked like it had everything I'd want. For our production manager, the absence of Target in my life history was more a marker for being a native New Yorker than the phenomenon of us non-driving New Yorkers. Forget hitting the casinos! Hit the Target!


Aliscabob said…
Welcome to Target Heaven, Miss Diva. I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience. It's one of my favorite places. Try to avoid it as much as possible. I end up spending a lot of time and money in there.

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