These Are The People In My Neighborhood...

There are quite a lot of friendly people here in Las Vegas, and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate that. There are the people who just smile and say, "hi" because it's a new day and that's what you do, people who strike up a conversation with me because I am pregnant and they want to know when I am due and genuinely share in the excitement of a new baby. There's the community of dog walkers in the complex who know Brooklyn and my husband better than they know me - anytime I end up walking Brooklyn and meet up with a fellow dog-walker, they know Brooklyn well before they know who I am, asking me, "Is that Brooklyn?" - I guess she looks different without my husband attached to her leash! Brooklyn is still a very popular pup. Me, on the other hand, not so much, lol. And these are the things that add a delightful touch to the daily grind (which is hardly a grind for me - I am enjoying the laid-back lifestyle we've got going here in Vegas). So, next time you see a stranger on the street, why not just throw him/her a nice "howdy do"? It may just make their day.


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