Giving Thanks

I feel compelled to write an entry today, even though I have nothing specific to really relay. My time here in Vegas has been consumed by my pregnancy lately - only 8 more days until my due date. I seem to write about the weather lately when I think of Vegas. Incidentally, we've been having a rain spell for the past two days and it is marvelous - cloudy, chilly, with a fresh rain smell permeating the air, I love it. My husband is fighting a cold, which I think I may be starting to get, so I've got to be careful and rest. Unfortunately, I am not in the resting mood right now, I feel like I've got to keep busy before the baby arrives. I've entered the nesting zone, where you just want to organize and clean and you have all this energy. My Lamaze teacher advised against giving into the nesting instinct and instead saving up the energy for imminent labor. But it really feels good to accomplish things that I've been too tired to tackle and have been putting off. I'll make sure to rest as well.

Today is Thanksgiving Day and I want to give thanks for all my blessings, which are many. I am thankful for my son, for my husband, for my Brooklyn, for my family and friends who are always so supportive and loving, for my job which has allowed me to experience new places and new people, for our apartment which we love, for our health, for my husband's recovery from his car accident and for his escape from more serious injury, for jobs coming in for my Mom and Dad, for my driving, and for my life. Peace and love!


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