Set 'Em Up, Joe

Top of my list of new favorites: Trader Joe's. My fellow dressing roommates always stack up the goodies shelf with treats from Trader Joe's, and I've always heard wonderful things about the store, but I'd never had the opportunity to experience its splendor first-hand. There was a brand new store in the Union Square area back home that opened up about a year or so ago, but I never made it through the doors because there was always a line of eager shoppers snaking around the corner. Well, I put that all to an end when I DROVE to Trader Joe's yesterday, and it was heaven. It wasn't a big store or anything like that - I think Whole Foods is bigger. But I still enjoyed the offerings - mostly everything is automatically organic, but the prices don't vary all that much from non-organic fare. I had a complimentary demi-tasse of store brand coffee, along with a tasting of asada beef complemented with sauteed corn and arugula (and consequently bought the beef!). The employees were all so nice and personable, and their chipper mood was infectious; cashiers Elyce and Daniel even welcomed me as a first-time shopper. I left the store with a little pep in my step, and lots of groceries in my cart. I even bought my own Trader Joe's personal shopping totes that I can reuse - when in Rome...
I think what heightened the joy of the day is the fact that I am enjoying driving and the freedom it allows me. I've been driving around, running errands at my local haunts: Petsmart, Barnes & Noble, TJ Maxx, Target, Washington Mutual, Albertson's, Walgreens, etc. Some spots are even about 20 minutes away! I just pop in my iPod and I'm ready to go. I plan routes, and can now even make spontaneous alterations should I find unexpected obstructions. Parking still proves challenging, although lately, I manage to get into a spot straight on the first or second try. I think I'll even miss driving when I get back East, although I am not looking forward to parallel parking! Baby steps, baby steps...