The Cat's Meow
I keep remembering an interesting tidbit I read a while back when I was lucky to live with two amazing cats (feline cats, not jazz "cats"). Uncomfortable and insecure with the process of aging, an older cat may meow with increasing frequency and consequently, may need an extra amount of tender loving care, just to assure him/her that the changes they are feeling are natural and all is okay. I've been feeling a tad preoccupied and hypersensitive to the fact that I am the oldest in the company, especially as I huff and puff through some of these rehearsals. And believe me, there is a part of me that scoffs at the very idea of being concerned at all with age, you are as old as you feel; I am a little ashamed, even, to write this. But there it is, I still think about it more often then I used to. I'm meowing, folks. What I found compelling in the tidbit about the maturing cats is that it makes complete sense; it is completely natural, feline or human, to be a bit appre...