The Cat's Meow
I keep remembering an interesting tidbit I read a while back when I was lucky to live with two amazing cats (feline cats, not jazz "cats"). Uncomfortable and insecure with the process of aging, an older cat may meow with increasing frequency and consequently, may need an extra amount of tender loving care, just to assure him/her that the changes they are feeling are natural and all is okay. I've been feeling a tad preoccupied and hypersensitive to the fact that I am the oldest in the company, especially as I huff and puff through some of these rehearsals. And believe me, there is a part of me that scoffs at the very idea of being concerned at all with age, you are as old as you feel; I am a little ashamed, even, to write this. But there it is, I still think about it more often then I used to. I'm meowing, folks. What I found compelling in the tidbit about the maturing cats is that it makes complete sense; it is completely natural, feline or human, to be a bit apprehensive about the unknown of aging. I guess the cats are just a little more outright about their insecurity. Humans may put on a strong front, or throw a fit, but in the end, maybe we do just need that extra assurance to let us know all is okay. Meow.
So, this week, I experienced the fun-filled chaos that is the German beer hall - and who said Vegas was devoid of culture!? We went to celebrate a castmate's birthday, and it was a jovial evening. Good chicken bratwurst and sauerkraut, liter sized mugs of beer (which I declined due to my three-month old glutein-free diet), traditional German songs (and some John Denver - ?) played by a band in lederhosen, which brought the entire hall of diners to their feet, literally, standing on the benches, singing along, mugs of beer swaying to and fro. I did make an unsettling discovery upon entering a stall in the ladies room:

Don't know why it was there, but the possibilities are endless, and scary. Perhaps an out of the way attempt to show that the bathrooms are extra clean? Or that the patrons are sanitarily conscious? You can run with your own theories...
Got an invite to see Toni Braxton, and while I've never felt one way or the other about Ms. Braxton, I really enjoyed the show. I found her endearing, even when I suspected that the sentiments may have been for show. Still, she was charming and very talented, even if I couldn't understand a word she was singing! She showed a clip of her audition video for Babyface back in the day, and she was astounding - great voice and so young. The dancers in her show really worked it out too.
Also witnessed, from afar, the brilliance of Fremont Street. The street itself is located in "downtown" Vegas, and it did feel like I was in a different city. Fremont Street is sheltered by an archway of lights and they put on a beautiful light show that can be seen for blocks. The picture is from a distance, and doesn't do it justice, but I like posting pictures, so I'll upload it anyway:

Good night!
So, this week, I experienced the fun-filled chaos that is the German beer hall - and who said Vegas was devoid of culture!? We went to celebrate a castmate's birthday, and it was a jovial evening. Good chicken bratwurst and sauerkraut, liter sized mugs of beer (which I declined due to my three-month old glutein-free diet), traditional German songs (and some John Denver - ?) played by a band in lederhosen, which brought the entire hall of diners to their feet, literally, standing on the benches, singing along, mugs of beer swaying to and fro. I did make an unsettling discovery upon entering a stall in the ladies room:
Don't know why it was there, but the possibilities are endless, and scary. Perhaps an out of the way attempt to show that the bathrooms are extra clean? Or that the patrons are sanitarily conscious? You can run with your own theories...
Got an invite to see Toni Braxton, and while I've never felt one way or the other about Ms. Braxton, I really enjoyed the show. I found her endearing, even when I suspected that the sentiments may have been for show. Still, she was charming and very talented, even if I couldn't understand a word she was singing! She showed a clip of her audition video for Babyface back in the day, and she was astounding - great voice and so young. The dancers in her show really worked it out too.
Also witnessed, from afar, the brilliance of Fremont Street. The street itself is located in "downtown" Vegas, and it did feel like I was in a different city. Fremont Street is sheltered by an archway of lights and they put on a beautiful light show that can be seen for blocks. The picture is from a distance, and doesn't do it justice, but I like posting pictures, so I'll upload it anyway:
Good night!
It's funny you should write about feeling old. I injured my back a few weeks ago and still have not healed 100%. I remember in my younger days I was able to bounce back from a back injury in a couple weeks. Now I find myself a month into this current injury and still hurting. I've been telling anyone who listens that "I'm not young anymore." Sucks.
By the way, I LOVE Toni Braxton - well, her earlier stuff anyway. "Breathe Again" is one of my favorite songs.