Figure of Speech
Okay, do yourself a favor and learn a new language! You don't even have to achieve fluency, just pick up a couple of phrases. I am realizing that since I was about six years old, it has been my dream to be bilingual, at least. Determined not to be restricted to only English , I set out to create my own language when I was about seven years old. I managed to create a vocabulary of just one word: "bilaca" (buh-LAH-ka), which means "melted ice cream spun until creamy with a spoon" (to this day, my Mother and I still use it). That's pretty much where my own language started and ended. I guess the task was too overwhelming. I then, around age 11, took up Ubby-Dubby like my life depended on it, and taught it to my partner-in-crime, so that we could gossip on the bus undetected. I now live with the deep desire (and complete impatience) to learn, oh, about ten languages, fluently, right now, instantly!! To sample the menu of global tongues, I've found the BBC website for languages, and it is just wonderful (except that its Japanese offerings are minimal). I can say "My name is..." in Greek, "Thank you " in Mandarin, and "cappuccino" in Italian (duh!).
Visit BBC Languages Homepage and travel the world with your tongue (sounds downright nasty!).
Visit BBC Languages Homepage and travel the world with your tongue (sounds downright nasty!).