And The Winner Is...
Thanks to another generous hook-up, the company was given free tix to the Billboard Awards. Very cool. The show itself wasn't a knockout, but just to be there was exciting. We didn't see any music stars up close or anything like that, we were sitting way up in the balcony, couldn't really make out any faces without looking at the projection screens. But still, you could feel the energy. Janet Jackson opened up and I do love watching her perform, but she was wearing this wig that I just found so distracting because it just didn't flatter her looks or her choreography. It was so weird, because she is usually seamless when it comes to her physical presentation - okay, perhaps "seamless" isn't the right word to back up my point, given her past costume malfunction (talk about seamless). Aw, I still like Janet. And Gwen Stefani also performed, and I like her too - can't say I've been wowed by her solo efforts, but I still support her because I like her performing energy, I loved No Doubt, and she just seems like we'd be friends. I'd read that for years No Doubt would spend hours rocking out to an imaginary audience in their basement, to practice performing. I love that, and it paid off because they put on a good show. It's interesting to see how the music business grooms its stars for longevity. Gwen went from ska to whatever you call what she is doing now. But hey, given the opportunity to do what you love and make a living from it, can't beat that, more power to her. With a fashion line to boot. Mary J. Blige performed and she was fabulous, definitely the stand-out of the evening. Ludacris and Pharell performed. Stevie Wonder presented an award, and it was great to just be in his presence, even if he didn't sing (BOO!). Honestly, the award show did make me feel a little dated and out of touch - I didn't know many of the artists and bands that were up for awards. I never listen to the radio anymore and I don't really watch music videos, so I'm a little in the dark about today's music. Are the Commodores still together?
Went to the mall with my cousin and her roomie and I'd forgotten that the Holiday Season is upon us, being out here and all. It wasn't until I entered the mall with its rich red and winter green decor, and smelled those thick, seasonal, spicy scents with names like "Pine Forest Menagerie" or "Cinnamon-Crabapple Fruit Cake" or "Orange and Red Colored Potpourri-a-ma-jig" (I should have gone into marketing, ha!) that I remembered that it is already December and Christmas is right around the corner! There was even a huge Christmas tree:

Okay, the tree is...different. More blocks of light than actual greenery. Quite a treat, and a feat, to see a pine tree in the desert, so I appreciate it. Maybe a cactus tree would have been more appropriate. That's it, I'm getting a cactus tree and I'll decorate it for the holidays!! And I'll get cracking on my new "Cactus Tree" holiday song. And then I'LL be the next Billboard Artist of the Year.
Went to the mall with my cousin and her roomie and I'd forgotten that the Holiday Season is upon us, being out here and all. It wasn't until I entered the mall with its rich red and winter green decor, and smelled those thick, seasonal, spicy scents with names like "Pine Forest Menagerie" or "Cinnamon-Crabapple Fruit Cake" or "Orange and Red Colored Potpourri-a-ma-jig" (I should have gone into marketing, ha!) that I remembered that it is already December and Christmas is right around the corner! There was even a huge Christmas tree:
Okay, the tree is...different. More blocks of light than actual greenery. Quite a treat, and a feat, to see a pine tree in the desert, so I appreciate it. Maybe a cactus tree would have been more appropriate. That's it, I'm getting a cactus tree and I'll decorate it for the holidays!! And I'll get cracking on my new "Cactus Tree" holiday song. And then I'LL be the next Billboard Artist of the Year.