Things That Make You Go Hmm....
Hooters Casino and Hotel: Taking ENLARGEMENT to a whole new level, Hooters has BUST out with its own casino and hotel right off the strip. Every night, we drive by it, and it never ceases to amaze me. But then again, this IS Vegas.
Smokey Robinson's Red Beans and Rice: Shopping at the grocery store, I was taken aback to see, stacked between the Lean Cuisines and South Beach Diet Frozen Dinners, Smokey Robinson's Red Beans and Rice Dinner Bowl. I didn't even know that Smokey had expanded into food products. But then again, if I can get used to seeing Paul Newman's face every time I go for some lemonade in my fridge, I can surely stand to see Smokey in my freezer. Smokey Robinson's Foods

James Bond's Birth Year: Met up with my cousin and saw Casino Royale, which I enjoyed. I still cannot believe that the new Bond, Daniel Craig, and I are the same age, he seems a bit older - not old, mind you, but more seasoned than late 30's. Or perhaps, I am just in denial that I am nearing 40 and that I could now play James Bond (which has been my aspiration). Come to think of it, it's all probably a marketing stunt, because I don't think I know the birth year of any other male actor. It's strange that, as part of a segment on him as the new Bond, one of the first things they would throw at you is his birth year. I guess to convince possible moviegoers, particularly of the female persuasion, that Bond's youthful charm is still intact. Perhaps Mr. Craig really is older. At any rate, it was a different take on Bond, not as polished and more human, which I appreciated. I still love the 80's Bond movies (although I can't say I've seen any of them since the 80's), because they were a genre in their own right. Casino Royale is definitely more new millenium.
The March of the Penguin: Oddly enough, guess who I saw at the movie theater. Guess! Chilly Willy, the security guard from my apartment complex (see "Good Will Hunting" 11/5/06). I actually have only seen Mr. Will once since my first week out here. Turns out he works security at the movie theater too. Guess if you want security in Sin City, Chilly Willy is your man, TRULY! And, he recognized me but couldn't exactly place me until I said hello to him, which means that his security concerns at the apartment complex were sincere and he is not an obsessed stalker (for those of you who were concerned). Unless, he was stalking me and followed me to the movies and then just happened to be wearing a movie theater security uniform that he has just hanging in his closet for these exact moments! JUST KIDDING - I'm not that self-absorbed (hey, hey, watch the language, I can hear you from here!).
Good night.
Smokey Robinson's Red Beans and Rice: Shopping at the grocery store, I was taken aback to see, stacked between the Lean Cuisines and South Beach Diet Frozen Dinners, Smokey Robinson's Red Beans and Rice Dinner Bowl. I didn't even know that Smokey had expanded into food products. But then again, if I can get used to seeing Paul Newman's face every time I go for some lemonade in my fridge, I can surely stand to see Smokey in my freezer. Smokey Robinson's Foods

James Bond's Birth Year: Met up with my cousin and saw Casino Royale, which I enjoyed. I still cannot believe that the new Bond, Daniel Craig, and I are the same age, he seems a bit older - not old, mind you, but more seasoned than late 30's. Or perhaps, I am just in denial that I am nearing 40 and that I could now play James Bond (which has been my aspiration). Come to think of it, it's all probably a marketing stunt, because I don't think I know the birth year of any other male actor. It's strange that, as part of a segment on him as the new Bond, one of the first things they would throw at you is his birth year. I guess to convince possible moviegoers, particularly of the female persuasion, that Bond's youthful charm is still intact. Perhaps Mr. Craig really is older. At any rate, it was a different take on Bond, not as polished and more human, which I appreciated. I still love the 80's Bond movies (although I can't say I've seen any of them since the 80's), because they were a genre in their own right. Casino Royale is definitely more new millenium.
The March of the Penguin: Oddly enough, guess who I saw at the movie theater. Guess! Chilly Willy, the security guard from my apartment complex (see "Good Will Hunting" 11/5/06). I actually have only seen Mr. Will once since my first week out here. Turns out he works security at the movie theater too. Guess if you want security in Sin City, Chilly Willy is your man, TRULY! And, he recognized me but couldn't exactly place me until I said hello to him, which means that his security concerns at the apartment complex were sincere and he is not an obsessed stalker (for those of you who were concerned). Unless, he was stalking me and followed me to the movies and then just happened to be wearing a movie theater security uniform that he has just hanging in his closet for these exact moments! JUST KIDDING - I'm not that self-absorbed (hey, hey, watch the language, I can hear you from here!).
Good night.