Ba Da Ba Ba Ba...I'm Lovin It

I love that the glitz permeates everything out here - including good ol' mainstay, McDonald's. Let's hope their fries stand up! Speaking of which, I finally found some decent fries at a place called Wing Stop - because I KNOW that was everyone's main concern about me living here! (see "Do Fries Come With That...Never Mind." 11/2/06).
So, my fiance arrived safely and we are having a good time adjusting to life out in the desert. The weather is particularly gorgeous today and keeps us on our toes, because the winter chill does rear its nippy head every few days or so.
We've completed our first week of learning new material and I am very excited. The new material is FUNKY!! We are using old props that have been taken out of the show years ago, but we are playing new music with them. It's good to be learning again. A lot of work, mentally and physically, and I have the blood blister to prove it - no joke! In the mornings, I am still training the new performers - one has quit, but we've picked up two new ones - and then I run over to the other studio and learn new material with the vets. I play a bit of catch up, but it's cool. Needless to say, I haven't been in the fitness center all week!
I drove the other day. Granted it was a Monday, after midnight, but still, I think I did okay. I dream about driving, which must mean it is on my mind. The drivers out here are CRAZY. And I say this, not because I am a novice driver, but because the seasoned drivers say they are crazy. Or as my fiance likes to say, they are GANGSTA! I saw two cars cut ahead of us at the SAME time. And people generally don't like to slow down to let you pass. This is my observation across the board in the entire month that I've been here. I can't believe it's been a month already. Time is flying.
We took a drive yesterday in search of Fries Electronics and, getting lost, somehow found ourselves on wedding chapel lane (a subliminal sign?) - little chapels everywhere, some dingy, some kind of cute, most next to beat-up motels and one across the street from a strip joint! The chapels were in an area that looked like Vegas of yore, before the monster resorts took over. To see Vegas now, or even then, you'd never know that it was originally founded by the Mormons (thanks for the Vegas book, ANN). I guess I'd move to Utah too!
I am looking forward to seeing the new show when I come to Vegas for a visit (shall we say sometime in the Spring?). If it's half as enjoyable as the NYC show (which I've seen at least 8 times), then I'm sure it's DA BOMB (yeah...I know...I didn't think I could pull that off...).
All this chapel talk is making me thirsty. Perhaps it's the desert air...oh wait, I'm in NYC. Forget it.