Let's Get Physical

For the record, I do not enjoy exercising. I didn't grow up "exercising" in the sense of purposely keeping in shape; I danced, and that kept me in shape without my having to think about it, because I was just having so much fun. But, strapping my legs in some giant contraption and proceeding to have them swung apart to and fro, causing tiny sweat beads to drip from my nose, hardly has the same appeal as doing, oh, I don't know, double pirouettes in ballet class. Or having a root canal for that matter. I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror today (an old dance class habit) as I was attempting to master the "weight loss" cycle of the "arc trainer" machine, and I looked absolutely ridiculous! And I couldn't imagine what part of my body was losing weight with my legs swinging like that. Okay, when I managed to hop off the machine, my legs did feel like I'd been up some stairs, a bit. But still, is this what I have to look forward to in my quest for body tone? Because I don't see myself doing grand jetes into a ballet class anytime soon (but then again, who knows, this is a new phase in the adventure that is life, yes?). I've tried running on the tread mill a couple of times, and it's okay, but I think I may have to find some other means of staying fit that also utilizes the mind in some creative way. Maybe cage dancing? Anyway, after pushing through my "workout" (which hasn't caused me to lose a single pound, by the way, since I've been here in Las Vegas), I decided to take advantage of the dwindling Vegas autumn sun by lounging at one of the pools in the complex, located conveniently right outside the fitness center. In fact, you can see the pool looming in the distance as you work up a sweat, the pot of gold at the end of that tread mill rainbow. I can get used to lounging by a pool. The exercising? We'll see.