
Showing posts from 2007


I was straightening up the kitchen counter, which gets cluttered in record time whenever I enter the house, and I made a pile of magazines, which grows exponentially every month because I can't seem to catch up on reading them. On the very top of the magazine pile, I placed, with a smile I might add, the latest copy of Ladies' Home Journal (LHJ) that I purchased to entertain me during a plane trip. And it was that small act that confirmed it for me: I am almost 40! My magazine collection no longer resembles the me that I remember. For me, magazines have always been junk food for the eyes, and I would either subscribe to or purchase individual copies of fun, trendy, sexy magazines. Cosmo, Elle, Marie Clare, Allure, Jane, etc. When did Ladies Home Journal become fun, trendy or sexy!?! But I loved the issue, it was the only magazine in a long time that I was able to really read cover to cover. I tried US Weekly or some garbage like that last week, and while there is a sick fa...

What's Going On

I've been remiss in my blogging! In all honesty, not much to report. Life in Vegas has become somewhat routine - I walk Brooklyn, I work, I walk Brooklyn, I sleep, I walk get the idea. I am loving driving, and I even managed to get up the nerve to go on the freeway by myself two times last week. So that's a step in the right direction. Shows are good, houses are getting better bit by bit. Brooklyn has a hair cut because she was so matted, thanks to our grooming negligence (guess we've learned our lesson). She has an extensive winter wardrobe to keep her little body warm on walks (a faux-fur-lined hooded coat and two knit sweaters). I love picking Brooklyn up and out from the bushes that she inevitably gets swamped in during our walks, because she smells like rosemary and lavender - the landscaping around the complex is great, with aforementioned rosemary and lavender bushes, strawberry and blueberry bushes, roses and other flowers I can't identify. ...

Figure of Speech

Okay, do yourself a favor and learn a new language! You don't even have to achieve fluency, just pick up a couple of phrases. I am realizing that since I was about six years old, it has been my dream to be bilingual, at least. Determined not to be restricted to only English , I set out to create my own language when I was about seven years old. I managed to create a vocabulary of just one word: "bilaca" (buh-LAH-ka), which means "melted ice cream spun until creamy with a spoon" (to this day, my Mother and I still use it). That's pretty much where my own language started and ended. I guess the task was too overwhelming. I then, around age 11, took up Ubby-Dubby like my life depended on it, and taught it to my partner-in-crime, so that we could gossip on the bus undetected. I now live with the deep desire (and complete impatience) to learn, oh, about ten languages, fluently, right now, instantly!! To sample the menu of global tongues, I've found the...

Crazy Chicken

I have finally found an accessible rotisserie chicken joint in Las Vegas that is so tasty. El Pollo Loco is a chain here in Vegas, and the chicken is scrumptious. It was highly recommended by comedian George Wallace during his show, and he was not kidding, it is one of the tastiest rotisseries I've tasted (and I am keeping in mind that I've been rotisserie-deprived for months now). There was another small chicken joint we tried months ago, I cannot remember the name of it, but there was literally a man cooking chicken outside the store, right to the left of the entrance. And his chicken was also yummy. But the sides weren't as palatable. At El Pollo Loco, the sides matched the chicken in tastiness , especially their BBQ Black Beans (a culinary first for me!). Finally, another take-out dining option that doesn't involve frying (or fries!).

Where Am I

Well, it has been over a year now since I started this blog and moved out to Vegas, and what do I have to say for myself? Hmm...Well, I love driving. That's been an amazing development in my life and I look forward to getting better and driving on the freeway. I do love using my brain and consequently, I've enjoyed the rehearsal director aspect of my job, I am good at it (particularly the administrative part of it). I love our apartment, I love having my own office space. I enjoy the ease of life out here - I just go to work and come home, that's all I have to worry about, pretty much. I love our puppy, she's a very special dog. On the flip side, I do feel isolated sometimes, I don't do anything else other than work, I don't like the night life here, which sometimes leaves me out of the loop with castmates, including my husband, and I hate having asthma and allergies. I feel boring and old out here, and perhaps that's all my fault because I haven't...

A Novel Idea

I've just discovered, through a friend from college, the website,, a site dedicated to book lovers. And I love it! You get to put books that you've read and/or love on a virtual shelf, so that friends can see what you've read, what you are reading, what you would like to read. And you can see their shelves and get book reading recommendations. What I particularly love is simply looking at my bookshelf online - I think that I am as addicted to book covers as I am to the actual book content. There's such a joy in walking in a bookstore and seeing all those books on the shelves. And I must admit that I've bought a few books based on the appeal of the book cover (I know, don't judge a book by its cover!). My only problem in having a book collection is that I rarely read a book twice. And so, I end up with bookcases stacked with books that just sit there. And when you've moved as many times as I have, believe me, packing and unpacking books th...

Happy Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday Brooklyn! October 3, 2007

House Warming

We are loving our new place. It is really such a nice looking apartment, with views of mountains off in the distance. Makes it nice to come home. The area is still being developed, which to me is exciting. And I never realized how devoid we were of scenery until we moved away from The Strip proper (technically, we still live off of the strip). Driving home, the mountains loom over the roads, dark lumps of chocolate rock, reminding us daily of how miniscule we are in scale. We are still unpacking and have definitely decided not to pursue any other abode until our six months are up here (yes, we only have a six-month lease and will either have to beg for the lease to be extended or find brand new digs, AGAIN!). My allergies have improved, although I am experiencing some reaction right now, perhaps a new weed season has begun. I've just accepted the fact that out here in Nevada, I am an asthmatic. Oh well. We haven't yet explored what Las Vegas has to offer in our area -...

Family Matters

We've had a string of relatives visiting, I think just about every week from the last week of July up to now (pretty much), and it has been so nice - cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers-in law, brothers. My younger brother is here now, and it is great, if not a little bittersweet, only because whenever and wherever I am away from him, when he comes to visit me, I get so protective of him, and I worry about him and I don't want him to leave. But overall, it is great to have him here. I'm a little sad, however, because my Mother had to postpone her visit this weekend. She's been suffering from a strange, as-of-yet unidentified condition that makes her feet, ankles and legs swollen and has been advised to NOT fly. Yes, I am very sad. House hunting has me CRAZY!! I am an emotional wreck (not to mention premenstrual - I guess I did mention it). Haven't even begun to pack, not sure where we are going, and we have less than three weeks to figure it all out. New York ...

Home Improvement

I've been remiss in blogging due to the overwhelming anxiety of having to find a new home. We now have less than a month and our search has been largely unsuccessful. Finding a home with no carpeting whatsoever is almost impossible. Finding a home with a hint of character is also challenging. And the one or two houses that we have liked are either too expensive or in areas that feel like the Wild Wild West, seriously. It's a great move, moving to where there's no development, if you are investing ten years of your life here and expect to reap the benefits of starting in on the ground floor of a future sprawling neighborhood. Unfortunately, that's not in the plan book. This whole home search, coupled with my two days back in NY, make me realize more and more that I miss the East coast. The desert sucks you dry, makes you lethargic, and searching for a home in temperatures upwards of 105 degrees would make anyone cranky. Except for Brooklyn, she's still her chee...

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

So, I followed up on my plan to rejuvenate my look by coloring my hair to get rid of the grays. My friend's sister is a hair stylist who happened to be visiting this weekend, so I made an appointment and the grays are now history. And I must admit that I feel so much better. And that kind of bothers me - why can't I just bask in guilty pleasure?!? I am only bothered because I really want to be the person who isn't obsessed with maintaining youth and who accepts the changes that come with growing older. But then I think back and remember my Mother putting a rinse in her hair, my Grandmother putting a rinse in her hair, my aunts, my Father, and I think, well how far does the apple fall from the tree? And I would never consider any of them self-absorbed or youth-obsessed. Ya just wanna look and feel good! I feel like I've joined a club, like I am truly embarking on the path taking me into my 40s! I guess the Walgreens incident affected me more than I realized. And yo...

Gray Matter

I am at Walgreen's yesterday, picking up some odds and ends, and as I approach the counter, I am greeted by the cashier, who happens to be a young man, early 20's, give or take. As he is scanning my products, he says something to me that I just can't understand. He has a slight drawl to his speech, not exactly Southern, but perhaps that West Coast, LA twang. I ask him to repeat it and he clarifies by saying, with a smile on his face, "You must have a lot of wisdom with all those gray strings in your hair!" HUNH?!? And I think he was complimenting me, because he says this in all seriousness with a huge grin on his face, like he's proud of his "witticism". He must have been able to sense that I was taken aback, because he then proceeds to break it down for me, "You know, they say you are wise if you have gray hair." I just laugh in disbelief. Just what a 38-year old wants to hear. The best I come up with is, "Yes, I am very wise....

Rainy days and Mondays...

Hopefully it will be a rainy Monday. Brooklyn got me up particularly early today, licking my entire face until I opened my eyes (which is not the worst way to wake up!). The last couple of mornings, clouds have slowly taken over the horizon, but the sun has still managed to reclaim the sky by mid-afternoon. This morning, however, there is an ominous weight above, clouds just heavy with precipitation, and the tension is mounting. Will it rain or not? Yesterday morning, as I was driving home from Wal-Mart, there were the daintiest drops bouncing off the windshield, but only for five minutes at the most (and lucky for me, since I haven't discovered how to turn the windshield wipers on - "Things to do today..."). This morning, about five minutes into my walk with Brooklyn, sure enough rain drops started to fall. Again, only for about five minutes. As I type, I see outside my window that the pool is riddled with tiny rippling circles, so perhaps the clouds have finall...

Set 'Em Up, Joe

Top of my list of new favorites: Trader Joe's. My fellow dressing roommates always stack up the goodies shelf with treats from Trader Joe's, and I've always heard wonderful things about the store, but I'd never had the opportunity to experience its splendor first-hand. There was a brand new store in the Union Square area back home that opened up about a year or so ago, but I never made it through the doors because there was always a line of eager shoppers snaking around the corner. Well, I put that all to an end when I DROVE to Trader Joe's yesterday, and it was heaven. It wasn't a big store or anything like that - I think Whole Foods is bigger. But I still enjoyed the offerings - mostly everything is automatically organic, but the prices don't vary all that much from non-organic fare. I had a complimentary demi-tasse of store brand coffee, along with a tasting of asada beef complemented with sauteed corn and arugula (and consequently bought the beef!)...

Weather Or Not

Okay my friends, it is HOT. Upwards of 109 degrees by noon, and still in the high 90's at midnight. And sure, it is a "dry heat", but have you ever thought to turn your oven on, up to about 450, open the door, and then put your entire face inside? Dry heat, right? Yeh, it's about as comfortable as that - dry or not, hot is hot. Brooklyn just melts into the grass during her afternoon walks, which we keep down to a few minutes at most. I think my days of complaining about New York summers are over. My husband and I just found out that Monsoon season is right around the corner. MONSOON? Apparently, due to a shift in winds from north/northwestern to south/southeastern, combined with the rising temperatures, heavy rainfall washes over the desert, and in a matter of minutes. My cousin told me that in Arizona, they get about 4 feet of rain, enough for her kids to go out and float down the street. I don't remember hearing ANYTHING about monsoons (or "monsoon...

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Ah, just had an amazing visit from my college buddies (we call ourselves "The Posse") and it was just too short!!! But so nice and felt completely normal, as if no time had passed since our last visits (DDG, we missed you!!). We have the kind of friendship (and I am blessed to say this is true with all of my friends) that doesn't rely on time or place - we can be anywhere and any amount of time can pass by, the friendship stays strong and fulfilling. I dedicate this entry to all of my friends (and this includes family members, after all where is the line drawn anyway? Friends are family and family are friends!): Thank you for enriching my life with your presence, your heart and your soul!

It Isn't Easy Being Green

I am listening to the swish and whirs of our dishwasher and it occurs to me how my city upbringing has made simple, commonplace items seem very luxurious. I am even somewhat humbled by the excitement these little things bring me, taking me back to my childhood self, when dreams were big and the cup overfloweth with possibility. For instance, I remember the first time (though I can't recall the exact place) I had a sink with the hose attachment - this was big, this was like on TV, the mother dutifully cleaning the pots and pans after a family meal, little Johnny sneaking up behind her, giving her a little scare, she turning around in surprise with the hose in hand, giving little Johnny a playful spray of warm water, the two sharing a good laugh, cut to a closeup of bottled dish detergent, Mom and little Johnny dripping wet and still laughing in the blurred background, and then back to our scheduled program. I mean, this was suburban ecstasy. I remember I was in a hotel on tour wh...

Most Likely To Succeed

Brooklyn, Valedictorian, Class of 2007 PetSmart, Las Vegas, NV

To Honor and Obey

In three days Brooklyn graduates from obedience school. She's been going (or rather WE'VE been going - let's be honest, the class is really for us) for the past five weeks and it has been extremely informative. But there are times when my husband and I step out of ourselves for a minute and just have to laugh. What the heck are we doing in a puppy class in Las Vegas!?! All of us dog owners, standing up in a closed-off pen, cooing our dogs' names, trying to get them to sit, or lay down, or shake. Brooklyn is definitely the life of the party, she just bursts into class in leaps and bounds, literally. Her best friend is Kiko, a male Chihuahua who belongs to our other married friends in the show. They love to rustle and tussle, and then they french kiss, Kiko biting Brooklyn's tongue. Then there's Crypto, who is a bit manic and nervous, although I believe he's opening up and calming down. He's a white, close-shaven little dog, perhaps a Maltese, I r...

Chasing Culture

My husband has been having a time locating the Hip Hop / Spoken Word culture in Las Vegas. A few Hip Hop concerts notwithstanding, the underground scene is either non-existent or so subterranean that only the mole people know its coordinates. There have been open mic nites and spoken word slams that my husband has penciled into his calendar, only to find upon arrival that the venue is closed, the event is postponed, or the talent is lacking. Last night, our first night off together in weeks (besides our weekly day off), we planned to check out an open mic Spoken Word slam that he heard about weeks ago. Once we got to the venue, there was no sign of human life anywhere in, out or around the club. Apparently, the event is moving to another venue and the new nite is TBA. And while there are lots of shows and night clubs here in Vegas, you really have to do some homework to find something different to do. Disappointed, we headed to our safe haven, the movie theater, only to find the...

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to make a professional appearance at a Girls' Club out here to help support their "Girls' Day" event, a day of empowering young girls and providing positive reinforcement as they embark on the path to becoming young women. All I had to do was sit at a table with other female "celebs" and sign autographs. My autographing comrades included a ten year old beauty queen, a 17 year old rising basketball star, two women from the Air Force, a female local news anchor, and the female winner of a cooking reality show. I was initially a little shy about venturing solo into a completely unknown situation, without my castmates, outside of the regular one-mile radius encompassing the theater and the apartment complex. But I was so happy I went. The girls were just adorable. The day started with a presentation in the club auditorium, during which about 200 girls were paired with 200 female adult volunteers to form teams, and then th...

New York Hot Dog

Okay, let me preface this entry with apologies to my NY posse - I was in NY for ONE DAY only, literally 24 hours, for my Grandmother's 94th Birthday. And because I knew it was going to be an extremely short trip, with the focus being spending time with my Grandmother, I didn't even tell anyone that I was there, because I would feel so bad if I couldn't see people. Because that's the kinda gal I am. Plus, I know that visits to Las Vegas are in the works. So rather than set myself up for disappointment, I decided to keep my visit mum. The added factor was that I brought Brooklyn with me to meet my family, specifically my Grandmother, who was particularly excited about the prospect of a furry creature (besides myself) in her humble abode. Which meant that traveling around was somewhat limited, and I had to keep my eye on her ever-moving jaws to make sure she didn't destroy my Grandmother's house, so I had to keep her with me at all times. So, that being said,...

That's The Ticket

I was doing a spontaneous organization of my purses this morning, and I decided to gather all the ticket stubs I've kept to all the shows we have seen since we've been here in Vegas. And in doing so, there are two that I don't believe I ever mentioned in writing. Tower of Power - All I can say is what power!! They were so great, and it was great to see a REAL BAND who were obviously so comfortable with each other and have been playing together for such a long time. Great musicians, great music, old school soul/funk. I hadn't recalled hearing their name when I was little, but I know them now. House Of Blues Gospel Brunch - This was quite an experience. I was expecting a full-out choir and band, like in the movies, and instead it was more of a small family band with a down-home Southern feel - Uncle So-and-So on the bass, Cousin So-and-So on the drums, etc. Very talented, the entire family, and nice songs. Some of the songs even reminded me of 60's doo-wop, my...

Warm It Up Kane

We went to see Big Daddy Kane perform at a local night club, Tabu, in the MGM Grand Hotel. And while I don't recall all of his songs, there were enough tunes that brought back days of sweating on the dance floor in college, all cramped up in the basement bar, when the biggest concerns were paper deadlines, exams, dance recitals and drama department auditions. Ah, those were the days. The Tabu crowd was relatively young, although there were definitely some who were old enough to have jammed when Big Daddy Kane was considered current, like my husband (who was rapping all the lyrics back at Kane) and myself. Kane even called people out, asking the crowd first to make noise if they were over 25 (which excluded the fellow cast members who came out with us), and then to make noise if they were over 30 (no, we weren't as loud a group, but we still let our presence be known). It's funny how nostalgia can create familiarity with strangers; I found myself eyeing the people who a...

Catching Up

Opening Night Well the show finally opened, to much critical acclaim, Halleluah! Now the trick is to keep those seats filled. We are still in the beginning climb and the onus of generating word-of-mouth buzz from our audiences is on us in these early months. Opening night was a blast, and I was happy to perform that night because I actually sprained my finger in the show the night before. So, I wasn't even sure I'd be able to go on opening night, but I bit down and worked it out. The after party was huge, almost too huge because it was hard to find other cast and crew members. There was a red carpet just inside the entrance to the ballroom where the party took place and that was such a surreal experience. Camera people saying "Over here, please" and bulbs flashing. Robin Leach came over to my husband and said he was a "comedic genius" and then proceeded to film a sound byte on the show. Wow, six months in the making! The days following the opening,...

Rubba-Doggie You're The One...

My husband takes our dog, Brooklyn, out for a late night walk after our return home from doing two shows. I use this opportunity to take a nice warm bath to soothe my aching muscles. I grab my iPod and play the latest album from my friend's band, The Unlovables (she's the lead singer and bassist and song writer), and step into the tub for a nice, relaxing soak. About two minutes later, my husband returns with the pooch, riled up because she had managed to slip from his grip and circumvent at top speed what seemed like the entire complex before he managed to retrieve her. He's telling me this in the bathroom while I am in the tub, and Brooklyn is panting proudly, putting her paws on the side of the tub every so often so she can see me. No sooner had my husband finished his tale, in one single bound Brooklyn hops right into the bathtub, with me in it! It was a clean entry, no splashing or auxillary movement. Had this been the Olympics, she would have received a 10 for ...

Steam Heat

Okay, I felt compelled to jump onto the computer to rave about something that seems so mundane, but I honestly feel like it's one of the best investments I have made here in Vegas - after the Wedding, Brooklyn, and the car, of course. The Bissell QuickSteamer is a wonderful, lightweight gadget that has made the carpet look like new. Trying to housebreak a puppy has been a challenge, to say the least, especially living with a carpet, in a furnished apartment at that. Despite our best efforts, the rug was looking pretty drabby, particularly in the bedroom, which is "Brooklyn central". I just finished steam cleaning in the bedroom, and I am happy to say that the carpet no longer betrays any sign of animal habitation! I was so preoccupied with the condition of the rug, seeing as technically it isn't ours, and because I've found more and more that my physical surroundings have a significant impact on my emotional well-being. Being a Libra, ruled by Venus, aesthet...

Here Comes Brooklyn Cottontail

Happy Easter! Happy Passover! It's been a while since I've written - we've started performing and it has been quite hectic, rehearsing and all. The shows have been well received. It's been a challenge performing new material. It's strange because the show feels familiar and foreign at the same time. There are moments when muscle memory wants to kick in, but the music is different, so the brain has to stay sharp. The set is much bigger and we have to be even more careful. The new kids are doing well and the show is really starting to feel more cohesive as the days go by. We officially open in a week or so. Other than that, I've been sleeping. Yes, not much excitement here in Nevada. Sleeping, reading, walking Brooklyn. Sounds like I live here.

Brooklyn's "Book Pick of the Month"

I think Brooklyn's making a point. Point taken.

Artist in Residence

So, it is official, I am now a resident of the state of Nevada. I just got my Nevada-issued driver's license and plates for my car. Crazy, never thought I'd live anywhere else but in NYC, or perhaps, more accurately, not Nevada. Ah, the impromptu turns of life. The Las Vegas DMV was actually a pleasant and expedient experience, so simple. Makes you wonder why it is such a chore in NYC. Perhaps the population difference, more people in NYC, yadda, yadda. However, one thing I do not like about my new license is that they print your WEIGHT on it!?!?! That seems so random. I can understand height, that's something that is probably not going to change much by the time you are of age to own a license. But your weight? I asked the guy what happens if I lose weight, he laughed and told me that I could come back and they would change it for me. I've already lost a pound, I'm on my way to the DMV tomorrow!!! My driving has improved, or at least my fear of driving...

Prince Charming

We FINALLY got to see Prince out here - he has a weekly weekend gig at his club at the Rio, 3121. He's been here since December or so and goes out on tour at the end of March, so we were just in time. The directors took a group of 8 of us and it was just fantastic. We had a table right next to the stage, so that when Prince came on, he was so close. The space is pretty intimate to begin with - a dance floor in the center surrounded by tables in the round. What a talent Prince is. And such a presence. The highlight of the evening, however, was when our friend was beckoned to dance onstage - she sashayed across the stage as if it had been choreographed and rehearsed, it was fabulous. And then, the rest of us were summoned to dance onstage too. Prince had left the stage by this point, probably for a wardrobe change, but we still had such a good time. The band was playing a James Brown hook and Prince's backup dancers (who happened to be twin sisters) joined us in OUR rout...

Brooklyn In Da House

Well, we've immediately expanded our newlywed family with the addition of our new puppy girl, Brooklyn. She's five-months old, a Lhasa Apso/Bichon Frise mix (I only hang with dogs of "two-name" species), and she is just adorable. Very cuddly and loving and spunky, but also chills out when necessary, a people-lover, very playful. The challenge right now is to housebreak her, which was going very well until recently. For some reason, she no longer sees the great outdoors as her grand toilet - at least as far as urinating goes. She holds it until she gets back inside and then relieves herself on her puppy pad. What to do? At least I don't have to pick up any number #2 inside, she's got that routine down pat. It's funny how having a dog opens up a completely new social circle. Fellow dogwalkers, who probably wouldn't have given me the time of day, now greet me regularly; conversations consist of colorful words like pee and poop; voices climb dangero...

They're Playing Basketball

The entire cast performed during the NBA All-Star weekend extravaganza. We went on right before the Slam Dunk contest. Our performance, however, was during a commercial break - so no need to get upset that I didn't call anyone, LOL! Vegas really gets into its All-Star festivities. Ads posted along side highrise resorts, easily 30-plus stories in height, go up within hours, it seems. Parties popped all weekend - unfortunately, my winding down from the wedding excitement left us too tired to attend any parties, particularly the Lebron James party, which we heard was slamming! The resorts got into the sporting spirit and were appropriately delegated to opposing sides, with Lady Liberty of New York, New York repping the East, and the MGM's Lion donning West Coast gear. At the All-Star game, I met Kareem Abdul Jabar; he and my mother were childhood friends, so I felt compelled to introduce myself. We also saw Penn & Teller hanging out backstage - my husband met them both...

Going To The Chapel

So, my fiance is HUSBAND! Yes, we tied the knot on Valentine's Day. It came up very casually the night before as an idea, "Wanna get married tomorrow?" and we thought about it all day on Valentine's Day, "Should we get married today?" "Do you wanna do it?" We finally decided that we were going to go for it after work, and then the preparation began: we got ready, a friend and castmate extraordinaire spread the word out to the company, we left the house, and within forty-five minutes, we had rings and a marriage license and arrived at the Little White Wedding Chapel - which has two chapels, an outdoor gazebo and a drive-thru window for DRIVE-THRU weddings, no joking! I accidentally walked through a drive-thru ceremony between a couple on their motorcycles. We opted to get married in the smaller, indoor chapel. They make weddings so accessible in Las Vegas: the marriage bureau stays open for licensing until midnight, and until 10pm for...

Wallace and Grovel

Last night I had my first real go at gambling - roulette. A real game of chance that pays big, 35:1. Now, I don't like gambling, I don't like parting with my money, so as many times as I've walked through the casino to cash my check (yes, our payroll cashier is conveniently located in the casino), I've never had the strong desire to place a bet. I watch the numbers flash at each table, and there just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the game, complete chance, and either you are lucky or you are not. But, like I said, if you are lucky, the payoff is nice. That being said, on our way out, after examining the tables for any hint of a pattern, my fiance and I decide that a red number is bound to pop up next at a table flashing a chain of black numbers. The wheel is spinning and I'm in a zone, and for some reason, I decide that I am going to take a risk and part with $20 by placing it on Red 9, my favorite number. Call it an inkling, but I feel confiden...

Over The Hill

So, some friends went to see Lauryn Hill perform at Prince's nightspot, 3121. I imagine that she was the headliner since Prince was in Miami for the Super Bowl Halftime Extravaganza. The show was advertised as an 8:00 pm event online; however, when our friends arrived at the club, the buzz was that Ms. Hill (as she requires EVERYONE to call her) would not set foot on the stage until 10:30 pm or so. So, our friends kill time by getting something to eat. When they return at 10:30, they are told that Ms. Hill's show won't start until about midnight. The vibe in the club was very positive, folks dressed up, everyone dancing and waiting with open arms to welcome Ms. Hill back to the tour circuit and bask her in doting adoration. Well, Ms. Hill's feet never touched the stage! She just never came out - by about 1:30 am (and yes, people were still there waiting at 1:30 to see her) folks became furious. Now why would she not come out? Let's hope it wasn't anythi...

The Cat's Meow

I keep remembering an interesting tidbit I read a while back when I was lucky to live with two amazing cats (feline cats, not jazz "cats"). Uncomfortable and insecure with the process of aging, an older cat may meow with increasing frequency and consequently, may need an extra amount of tender loving care, just to assure him/her that the changes they are feeling are natural and all is okay. I've been feeling a tad preoccupied and hypersensitive to the fact that I am the oldest in the company, especially as I huff and puff through some of these rehearsals. And believe me, there is a part of me that scoffs at the very idea of being concerned at all with age, you are as old as you feel; I am a little ashamed, even, to write this. But there it is, I still think about it more often then I used to. I'm meowing, folks. What I found compelling in the tidbit about the maturing cats is that it makes complete sense; it is completely natural, feline or human, to be a bit appre...

They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab...

This is the opening line of a song by an artist I've newly discovered - Amy Winehouse. She is a British singer, 23 years old, and has the voice of a 60's soul songstress. Her album has yet to release here. But thanks to one of my castmates, who bought her album during rehearsals in the UK, I've been graced with Amy's soulful and powerful pipes. The album I've been listening to is her sophomore album, "Back to Black"; her first album, "Frank", was released in 2003. Last week, I got in the car and I thought my friend was playing an obscure 60's girl group mix, and I was so happy. But then after two songs or so, I realized I had no idea who I was listening to and that is when I discovered, to my surprise, that the voice I was grooving to belonged to a young, contemporary, British woman. She sounds so retro and mature. Get her album when it drops in March, it is fun and hysterical - crazy lyrics, all the more crazy because it is paired wit...

It's A Gamble

When I think of Vegas, I immediately think "casinos and gambling." But I don't think I was as prepared for the extent to which the city goes to accommodate your inner (and outer) gambler. There are slot machines everywhere in this town - like at the grocery store, for instance. As if the shopper doesn't already have enough decisions to make: "Chicken or beef for dinner tonight?" "Paper or plastic?" "Cash or credit?" "Hit me or stay?" It's ridiculous! Kids crying from hunger, while Mom's spinning away, ground chuck peeking out of the shopping cart (no, I made that up, but I bet that scenario has happened!). At the airport, immediately before you go through the security checkpoint and on to the gates there are slot machines, so you can get that last fix before you get on the plane (not making that up). It cracks me up. At some of the hotels, you can pull up to the bar and enjoy your evening cocktail in between pulls o...

Gone With The Wynn

I had my first buffet dining experience tonight with some castmates at the Wynn Resort. I like the Wynn, it is probably the most understated of the Vegas resorts that I've seen. Which isn't really saying much - an indoor stampede of circus animals carrying the Rockettes topless is an understatement in this town. And to be honest, I haven't seen many resorts, so who knows. I just dig the vibe in the Wynn - it's classy without the snootiness. The buffet was INSANE - the spread took up easily about ten different stations - shellfish, seafood, salad, pizza, American, Italian, Asian, grill, dessert...that's all I can remember. The buffet prices are not the prices of old Vegas, before the dawn of the mega resorts, each trying to outsize the next one. My Mother still talks about the cheap eats she found when she and my Dad were out here over twenty years ago - wait 'til she sees how much Vegas has changed in twenty years!

Happy New Year

So, I've left NY and now, I am back in Vegas, and it is nice to be back. And that surprises me a bit - not that I was expecting to dread my return, but I guess I was expecting to be more wrought with angst about leaving NY on a one-way ticket. When the plane was landing in Vegas, and even in the cab ride to my new "home", I discovered that I have already, unknowingly, started to develop a little attachment to this crazy city, and I was feeling almost a comforting sense of familiarity passing by landmarks indicating that I was nearing my apartment. I had an epiphany, which I've experienced before during a visit home while studying in London, and that is that your life is what you make of it, wherever you are. So there you go, on to the creating! Not much to report in the three days that I've been back. Except that my back has gone out, and my lip is swollen from getting hit in the mouth with an airborne cardboard box - and actually, I think it looks sexy! Thi...